11 Session Program
God brought 4 of us together in a remarkable and unlikely way.
We were all “doing life” for the most part by ourselves.
We were all very well networked professionally, lots of great friends on social media, and you could hardly get time with any of us as we were so busy being social. We each had loads of tasks, relationships and responsibilities, but not many really close friends.
Many men can relate to this.
But that wasn’t the plan God had for us. Over the course of the past 8
years, we’ve become brothers. We sometimes say “brothers from
another mother” recognizing we all share the same Father (God) who
brought us together really early in the morning at a local diner in Irving, TX in the first place.
Together, we’ve worked through radical career changes, marital strife,
major challenges in raising kids, and a spine shattering motorcycle
accident. Any one of these circumstances could have been enough to
bring a good man down. But it hasn’t, because of the accountability,
encouragement, coaching, and support we’ve been able to provide
each other.
That’s what “Guys Doing Life” together is all about.
And that, in a nutshell, is the heart that we have for other men. To
facilitate the kinds of authentic relationships where men can do life
together with trust, accountability, encouragement and wise counsel.
God did that for us, and we believe he wants the same for you. This
study is designed to help bring insight and understanding to each of
the topics covered individually, but more importantly, to bring about
opportunities and relationships for you to “Do Life Together”.